
Laura Layla

What I love about my life and work is that I get to be my best self, accessing all my gifts, talents, medicine, magic and relationship with the great mystery.  As a multidimensional being, I hold a sacred alchemical container for your embodied awakening and integrated wholeness on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.

I’ve devoted my life to cultivating my intuitive healing skills as a trauma informed somatic counselor, mentor and therapeutic bodyworker, empowering people to navigate relationships and the unexpected with skill and awareness. I bring empathy and compassion for all the parts that have felt lost, disconnected and not understood. Healing the unresolved trauma and imprints from your ancestors, family, childhood and life facilitates connection to your authentic self. My presence and support illuminates your divine blueprint and innate greatness.

I am especially passionate about serving those choosing to become parents. In fulfillment of my vow to the future ones I am honored to help prepare the way so they can come to earth in their full magnificence and live as healthy loving connected families.

Life is a journey and I know that support, mentorship and care are needed to tend and cultivate your best self, relationships and life. It is my joy and a blessing to serve and accompany you.

  • 1979-1981
    Rutgers University
    Focus on Environmental Science

    1984- 1988
    Breathwork and ReBirthing training on Big Island, HI

    Florida School of Massage
    1400 hrs training

    2nd Vice President of the
    International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy

    Instructor of massage, colonics and intuitive healing at various massage schools. Teacher of meditation at community college.

    Understanding Yourself and Others facilitator training.
    Personal growth intensives informed by Adlerian and Ericksonian psychology and healing early childhood wounds.

    Founder and Director of the Saqqara Healing Centre in Gainesville, Florida. Center for bodywork, colonics, Gestalt Therapy, and other healing modalities, workshops and trainings.

    Intensive yogic study, Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, meditation/mindfulness and seva.

    Birth doula training, work with pregnant women, womb tending as well as pregnancy loss.

    In depth training with Mayan and other Indigenous wisdom keepers, fire ceremonies, mesa, plant medicines and other earth based wisdom traditions.

    Advanced energetic skills training:
    Grounding and embodiment, Riechian character types

    Teacher and facilitator of Women’s Sacred Mysteries Circles, Red Tent, Moon Lodge Tipi project and various other ceremonial groups focusing on womb wellness and conscious relating.

    APPPAH member, Advanced Pre and Peri Natal Somatic Practitioner training. Training and practice in Attachment Theory and trauma informed somatic counseling.


How this work was born

You see…I used to be a doula and the babies and souls began to talk to me.
They asked me to help prepare their future parents. And I said yes.

The souls explained that they “couldn’t be born through the body of a woman and into a family without taking on the hidden things in her/their nervous system, psyche and being…”

They told me they were “coming for their own important work…not to do the work of their parents and those before them”

So I was given guidance and instructions about what needed to be done, to help clear and prepare the way. This way they could be born with more ease, connection and remembrance of who they are and why they came.

I was instructed to offer groups so they could find each other once they arrived.

These souls are coming in pods to help each other remember and stay connected to their shared mission as the future leaders and conscious souls here on Earth.

If you are one of their parents and have wanted to prepare for the sacred rite of passage to mother/father/parent and caring for the future awakened ones, I would be honored to support you.